Keyboard Circuit Lampshades

I’ve seen pictures of lampshades constructed out of the circuits out of old keyboards. While they’re ‘printed’ on thin flexible plastic, they’re mostly clear, so I assume they used a small wattage bulb. I kind of needed a new lampshade,

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Computer Seat

This is not as much a project as it is a victory. I like the versatility of old PCs. They make handy stools for working at most tech tables. Chairs take up more space and you have to pull it

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Frankenstein’s Monster Head

Blast from the past. The Movie Monsters book is copyrighted 1975, so that’s about the time I would have made this – grade school/early high school. The book gave directions to make a paper mache Frankenstein’s monster’s head. I remember

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The Foodoo Collection

Every computer tech knows that computers are not an exact science. We use methods that we know work, not because they make any sense. Plus, some people believe we work ‘magic’ and that’s because we do. I’ve been in the

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Scanner prank

I had this old broken scanner for years. Even if it wasn’t broken, it required a SCSI card that wouldn’t fit in any computer made in the last ten years. But I liked the scanner ‘container’ and I’ll use the

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